International Scams...
Below are our articles on the subject of International Scams. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Auto-Dialling Scam
Auto dialling scam, how it works, how to make sure it doesn't happen to you and what to do if you have been scammed...

Fake Lottery Scam
The fake lottery scam has been around a long time, but lately it's developed a new wrinkle. We show you how to avoid being a victim....

Offshore Investment Scam
Offshore investments used to be the province of the rich. These days, sadly, they're often the lair of the scam artist, eager to take your hard-earned savings....

Scammers Who Cash in on Disasters
It's sick but there are people who stand to make money from natural or man-made disasters....

The Nigerian Advance-Fee Fraud
The Nigerian Scam, also known as "advance-fee" fraud or simply 419 (for its statute in the Nigerian criminal code). It began by letter in the early 1980s, before…...

Timeshare Property Scam
Every year thousands of people invest in timeshares, Alot of them are scammed. We show you how to avoid the scammers....

Wi-fi Evil Twin Scam
The wi-fi evil twin scam is clever and insidious, setting up by a commercial wireless access hotspot to harvest your data....